School Timing from 22 March 2023

 The annual Exam will start on 25 March 2023. The school will open at 8.00 AM. Students must come before 8:15 AM. The examination will start at 8:30.

There is holidays from 22 March to 24 March 2023 for students. Students will come only on their exam day. If there is no exam, there would be a holiday for students.
Teachers will come to school at 9:00 AM on 24 March 2023. On exam day teachers will come at 8 AM. 

The school timing for teachers would be 8:00 AM to 11:45 AM on exam day. On other days the school time for teachers will be 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM.

The examination for 5 and 8 classes will also start on 25 March 2023. The students who can go to the exam centre with their parents or relatives can go for an examination. Other students can come to school and go to the examination centre with school teachers. They must come to school before 8:15 AM.


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